Thursday, March 12, 2009

Your Network Marketing Check

(Click on the check to get a larger image—
then click your Back button to return.)

The old network marketing (NM) companies got people to join, (with a lot of hype!), and as they worked, most of the money they generated went "up the ladder" to other distributors and to corporate profits. They did a lot of work and at the end of the month received very little money. Most of them eventually quit, and the process started over. These NM companies relied heavily on new "recruits" to stay in business.

In a sense, this is true of all businesses: those at the bottom level of a company earn the least. On the other hand, the compensation plans of network marketing companies vary widely in their payout to their distributors, especially those starting out.

Trivani is unique! The Trivani Founders decided that they had already made their gazillions of dollars, and wanted to set up a business model that (1) highly funded humanitarian aid, and (2) really paid their humanitarian distributors well, so they would be very successful financially—even becoming financially independent so they could carry on even more humanitarian service (as well as having more time with their families).
To accomplish this, Trivani looked over the NM industry and decided that instead of taking the typical 10-15% of revenue (or higher) for company profits, Trivani would only take 1-2%. That is truly astonishing! It is a profound and unheard of business decision and policy in the network marketing world.

This decision had a major impact on the Trivani business model. It "flipped" the typical compensation plan on its head, so that the Trivani plan pays the distributors at the bottom well. It pushes money "down the ladder" to help them succeed from the start. Of course, it takes work by the distributor, but that work is rewarded! I doubt there is a network marketing compensation plan that can match Trivani's “Tri-InfinitePower Plan”—it is truly a path to prosperity for its humanitarian distributors. Can you find another plan in the industry that pays a maximum of 63% plus car and travel bonuses?

So, in contrast to Trivani, shown above is a real live distributor check from an "old style" network marketing company. This is a real check! The company name, bank account, etc., have been changed to prevent "embarrassment" to the company. As you study this check, don't miss seeing the amount that was paid to the distributor for the month, after the company subtracted processing costs, check costs, etc. costs, etc. Do you believe it? (Don't laugh too hard—if this was your check, it wouldn't be funny.)

Receiving a NM check like this one was why I nearly cried and began looking for another marketing "engine" to fund our family financially. In looking over Trivani as that possible engine, the first thing I checked was their compensation plan. (It was the best comp plan I had ever seen. I eventually learned why.)

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