Saturday, July 11, 2009

Confidence in Trivani

Let's say you just joined Trivani as a new humanitarian distributor. Congratulations! That is great news. You will find wonderful products, great purpose, a terrific compensation plan, and truly wonderful people to work with. You will enjoy Trivani.

But how do you gain enough confidence as a Trivani humanitarian to be at ease in telling others about Trivani? That is the question.

Here is an answer that will help you. Simply follow these easy steps—and don't worry! It isn't hard.

Step 1) Sign up as a Trivani Humanitarian Distributor (cost is zero). Since you have already signed up, you have already accomplished the first step! It was easy! In signing up, you received a distributor ID number. Don't forget this number—it is your unique ID number in Trivani (and needed to sign in to your Trivani Business Center).

Step 2) Go to and look around at the company web site. Become familiar with the three-fold mission of Trivani showcased there: Purpose, Health, Prosperity. Memorize those three words! (Repeat them to your family members, and practice giving a very short summary of each—a few sentences for each will do.) Every time you share Trivani with someone, you will use those three words.

Step 3) Set up your personal Business Center. As a distributor for Trivani, you get a personal Business Center at no charge. It is a place where you can order products (or change your order) and see your product order history. It keeps track of those you help sign up with Trivani (your downline); it provides detailed product information; it has a section of "Who's Who" in Trivani; and it provides many other things to help you be an effective humanitarian distributor. Go to and choose "Business Center Login" under the "Business Tools" tab.

The first time you choose the "Business Center Login" click on (Sign Up Today) in the middle on the right. Then follow the instructions and fill in the information. This activates your Business Center. When you are done, you will receive an email congratulating you on your success, and giving you other information pointers.

You are now ready to really enter your Business Center. So, return to the Business Center Login screen. This time, enter your Trivani distributor ID number on the left, and your password (don't forget it—write it down in a secure location).

Once in your Business Center, look around to get acquainted with its features and contents. It is a tremendous resource to your Trivani education and running your Trivani distributorship.

Step 4) You are now ready to begin to personalize your own Trivani website ( It's also free! It is a major tool you will use when you share Trivani with others. When you speak with someone you think would be a good Trivani humanitarian, you simple say that you have recently become a humanitarian with a company that has great personal and health care products and does humanitarian aid. (If they want more detail, tell them about the three-fold mission of Trivani: Purpose, Health, and Prosperity). You show them your business card to pique their attention and point our your website on the card. You invite them to go to your website and see some videos on Trivani and how they can become a Trivani humanitarian if they are interested. You let your website "do the talking" for you. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a Trivani video is worth 10,000 words! Finally, ask for their email so you can keep in touch. It's that simple.

personalize your MyTrivani website, sign in to your Business Center. Under the "Trivani Business Center" title you will see a menu bar. The fifth menu is "Web Site." Under "Web Site," click on "My Story" to enter what you want to appear on your website's "About Me" page. Usually you give some of your personal background—who you are and what makes you you—as well as the things you especially enjoy about Trivani's mission and how Trivani is such a great opportunity for those interested in signing up. Make sure you include your contact info: phone number, email address, etc. (Note: We suggest you set up a new Trivani business email address for yourself, such as Some distributors choose a name they will use in Trivani, such as StarShipp, Shipp-Ahoy, SmoothSailingShipp, or Starfish. Alternatively, if you signed up in Trivani as a business—for example, StarShipp Enterprises—you may wish to use part of your business name, such as StarShipp. Whatever you choose, your new Trivani email address would then be something like matched with as your personal Trivani website URL. Some people use their own name, such as and Just remember, you choose what you want after the "/" in your website URL.)

The next thing to prepare your website is to add your photo. To do this, choose "My Photo" under the "Website" menu and follow the directions. Trivani Distributor Support at Trivani HQ can help you if you need.

You will be very pleased with your new web presence. It will be your "best foot forward" in presenting the Trivani opportunity to those you meet. Look through it thoroughly to know what is there.

Step 5) Read Bob's Trivani Blog every business day! Put the Founder and CEO of Trivani on your team: read Bob Steed's blog religiously. This is where you will receive the latest and greatest of Trivani. It will keep you enthused and up to date. Bob is a pro and will help you become a pro. Bob's sharing via his blog represents one of the greatest training sources Trivani provides for you —support from the Top! Don't underestimate the value of this great resource. Follow the leader and help those you sign up do the same!

Those are the steps. Start with Step 1 and follow them through. With any business, the more you learn and know about the company, its products, and mission, the more confidence you will have as a spokesperson. You share the things you know and like every day with people. It's easy. Sharing Trivani can be just as easy if you will spend the time to learn about it. A little every day and your confidence will grow! You have a great upline who stands ready to help you—just ask. And remember, you have to do your part—no one can do it for you. But it is easy to learn and grow, and Trivani provides wonderful help along the way! What a great Trivani journey!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Leveraging Money to Fund Humanitarian Aid

One of the factors in being a Trivani Member or Humanitarian Distributor, is that the products you purchase are leveraged for humanitarian aid. “Leveraged” means that when you buy a product locally, the monetary value put toward humanitarian aid can then purchase say, twenty-five fold, or fifty-fold, or a HUNDRED-FOLD in humanitarian aid service! These numbers are not fantasy or make believe! This money funds real humanitarian aid in the form of medical supplies and operations, school supplies, water systems, and so on. Do the math: you spend $100 to purchase your Trivani products this month, and $10 (or more) goes to humanitarian aid. But that $10 is leveraged, so it produces (remember, leveraged value means you multiply) $250, or $500, or $1,000 worth of humanitarian aid! Now that’s buying power!

In Bob’s Trivani Blog (30 June 2009), he gives this example of how your Trivani dollars are leveraged: “Imagine $25 for a complete facial restructuring! It has never been done before, not even close. We are breaking new ground and doing an incredible work.”

You can count on Trivani doing the very most possible with your money in humanitarian service.

It's great to be a part of Trivani!