Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Leveraging Money to Fund Humanitarian Aid

One of the factors in being a Trivani Member or Humanitarian Distributor, is that the products you purchase are leveraged for humanitarian aid. “Leveraged” means that when you buy a product locally, the monetary value put toward humanitarian aid can then purchase say, twenty-five fold, or fifty-fold, or a HUNDRED-FOLD in humanitarian aid service! These numbers are not fantasy or make believe! This money funds real humanitarian aid in the form of medical supplies and operations, school supplies, water systems, and so on. Do the math: you spend $100 to purchase your Trivani products this month, and $10 (or more) goes to humanitarian aid. But that $10 is leveraged, so it produces (remember, leveraged value means you multiply) $250, or $500, or $1,000 worth of humanitarian aid! Now that’s buying power!

In Bob’s Trivani Blog (30 June 2009), he gives this example of how your Trivani dollars are leveraged: “Imagine $25 for a complete facial restructuring! It has never been done before, not even close. We are breaking new ground and doing an incredible work.”

You can count on Trivani doing the very most possible with your money in humanitarian service.

It's great to be a part of Trivani!

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