Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Recruiting Follow-Up

Here is some good counsel from a professional web company on prospecting and helping leads actually sign up. I thought it was well written, and very important for all of us in Trivani recruiting:

Lead Nurturing: If You Don't Use It, You Lose It

Most companies focus heavily on acquiring new leads every month to close new business.

However, if you are not using a process to keep in frequent touch with leads acquired in past months, i.e. nurturing prospects already familiar with your business, you lose the opportunity to close business with those prospects.

Nurturing old leads is a way to rekindle old conversations that have fizzled out. You never know when a closed door will re-open—and you can only find out by knocking!

(Source: HubSpot at: http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/5027/1-200-Leads-in-4-Weeks-A-Lead-Nurturing-Success-Story.aspx/)

Besides the skill to meet new people and give them an introduction to Trivani, following up with continuing support is as important. Otherwise, you can be constantly meeting new people, but not helping them learn more about Trivani and signing up. It takes more time to do the follow-up, but that is how signing up people in Trivani is done. (This is an important point for me, because I do well with introductions, but need improvement in following up!)

Best Humanitarian Wishes,

RCS (StarShipp)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Confidence in Trivani

Let's say you just joined Trivani as a new humanitarian distributor. Congratulations! That is great news. You will find wonderful products, great purpose, a terrific compensation plan, and truly wonderful people to work with. You will enjoy Trivani.

But how do you gain enough confidence as a Trivani humanitarian to be at ease in telling others about Trivani? That is the question.

Here is an answer that will help you. Simply follow these easy steps—and don't worry! It isn't hard.

Step 1) Sign up as a Trivani Humanitarian Distributor (cost is zero). Since you have already signed up, you have already accomplished the first step! It was easy! In signing up, you received a distributor ID number. Don't forget this number—it is your unique ID number in Trivani (and needed to sign in to your Trivani Business Center).

Step 2) Go to http://www.Trivani.com and look around at the company web site. Become familiar with the three-fold mission of Trivani showcased there: Purpose, Health, Prosperity. Memorize those three words! (Repeat them to your family members, and practice giving a very short summary of each—a few sentences for each will do.) Every time you share Trivani with someone, you will use those three words.

Step 3) Set up your personal Business Center. As a distributor for Trivani, you get a personal Business Center at no charge. It is a place where you can order products (or change your order) and see your product order history. It keeps track of those you help sign up with Trivani (your downline); it provides detailed product information; it has a section of "Who's Who" in Trivani; and it provides many other things to help you be an effective humanitarian distributor. Go to http://www.Trivani.com and choose "Business Center Login" under the "Business Tools" tab.

The first time you choose the "Business Center Login" click on (Sign Up Today) in the middle on the right. Then follow the instructions and fill in the information. This activates your Business Center. When you are done, you will receive an email congratulating you on your success, and giving you other information pointers.

You are now ready to really enter your Business Center. So, return to the Business Center Login screen. This time, enter your Trivani distributor ID number on the left, and your password (don't forget it—write it down in a secure location).

Once in your Business Center, look around to get acquainted with its features and contents. It is a tremendous resource to your Trivani education and running your Trivani distributorship.

Step 4) You are now ready to begin to personalize your own Trivani website (www.MyTrivani.com/YourName). It's also free! It is a major tool you will use when you share Trivani with others. When you speak with someone you think would be a good Trivani humanitarian, you simple say that you have recently become a humanitarian with a company that has great personal and health care products and does humanitarian aid. (If they want more detail, tell them about the three-fold mission of Trivani: Purpose, Health, and Prosperity). You show them your business card to pique their attention and point our your MyTrivani.com website on the card. You invite them to go to your website and see some videos on Trivani and how they can become a Trivani humanitarian if they are interested. You let your website "do the talking" for you. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a Trivani video is worth 10,000 words! Finally, ask for their email so you can keep in touch. It's that simple.

personalize your MyTrivani website, sign in to your Business Center. Under the "Trivani Business Center" title you will see a menu bar. The fifth menu is "Web Site." Under "Web Site," click on "My Story" to enter what you want to appear on your website's "About Me" page. Usually you give some of your personal background—who you are and what makes you you—as well as the things you especially enjoy about Trivani's mission and how Trivani is such a great opportunity for those interested in signing up. Make sure you include your contact info: phone number, email address, etc. (Note: We suggest you set up a new Trivani business email address for yourself, such as MyTrivaniBusiness@gmail.com. Some distributors choose a name they will use in Trivani, such as StarShipp, Shipp-Ahoy, SmoothSailingShipp, or Starfish. Alternatively, if you signed up in Trivani as a business—for example, StarShipp Enterprises—you may wish to use part of your business name, such as StarShipp. Whatever you choose, your new Trivani email address would then be something like StarShipp@gmail.com matched with www.MyTrivani.com/StarShipp as your personal Trivani website URL. Some people use their own name, such as Charlie.Shipp@gmail.com and www.MyTrivani.com/CharlieShipp. Just remember, you choose what you want after the "/" in your website URL.)

The next thing to prepare your MyTrivani.com website is to add your photo. To do this, choose "My Photo" under the "Website" menu and follow the directions. Trivani Distributor Support at Trivani HQ can help you if you need.

You will be very pleased with your new MyTrivani.com web presence. It will be your "best foot forward" in presenting the Trivani opportunity to those you meet. Look through it thoroughly to know what is there.

Step 5) Read Bob's Trivani Blog every business day! Put the Founder and CEO of Trivani on your team: read Bob Steed's blog religiously. This is where you will receive the latest and greatest of Trivani. It will keep you enthused and up to date. Bob is a pro and will help you become a pro. Bob's sharing via his blog represents one of the greatest training sources Trivani provides for you —support from the Top! Don't underestimate the value of this great resource. Follow the leader and help those you sign up do the same!

Those are the steps. Start with Step 1 and follow them through. With any business, the more you learn and know about the company, its products, and mission, the more confidence you will have as a spokesperson. You share the things you know and like every day with people. It's easy. Sharing Trivani can be just as easy if you will spend the time to learn about it. A little every day and your confidence will grow! You have a great upline who stands ready to help you—just ask. And remember, you have to do your part—no one can do it for you. But it is easy to learn and grow, and Trivani provides wonderful help along the way! What a great Trivani journey!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Leveraging Money to Fund Humanitarian Aid

One of the factors in being a Trivani Member or Humanitarian Distributor, is that the products you purchase are leveraged for humanitarian aid. “Leveraged” means that when you buy a product locally, the monetary value put toward humanitarian aid can then purchase say, twenty-five fold, or fifty-fold, or a HUNDRED-FOLD in humanitarian aid service! These numbers are not fantasy or make believe! This money funds real humanitarian aid in the form of medical supplies and operations, school supplies, water systems, and so on. Do the math: you spend $100 to purchase your Trivani products this month, and $10 (or more) goes to humanitarian aid. But that $10 is leveraged, so it produces (remember, leveraged value means you multiply) $250, or $500, or $1,000 worth of humanitarian aid! Now that’s buying power!

In Bob’s Trivani Blog (30 June 2009), he gives this example of how your Trivani dollars are leveraged: “Imagine $25 for a complete facial restructuring! It has never been done before, not even close. We are breaking new ground and doing an incredible work.”

You can count on Trivani doing the very most possible with your money in humanitarian service.

It's great to be a part of Trivani!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Trivani Shipp Fleet Voyage

First, thanks for visiting the Trivani Shipp Fleet blog.

We are a great group of Shipps, who are Independent Humanitarians™ with Trivani International. We work together to sponsor other independent humanitarian distributors for Trivani, who then join our fleet in the Trivani Harbor and then set sail into Purpose, Health, and Prosperity!

We hope you will “Come Aboard” and find the fulfillment of sponsoring a child—providing for their nutritional and health needs, medical needs, and education. Enhance your own health, and those you sponsor through Trivani's great nutrition and personal care products. And improve your income at the same time!

Imagine, an opportunity that does all three missions at once! You can be a great Humanitarian with Trivani.

You can get acquainted with individual Trivani Shipp Fleet Captains at:

http://www.MyTrivani.com/StarShipp (Richard & Kherna)
http://www.MyTrivani.com/SmoothSailingShipp (Norman & Angela)
http://www.MyTrivani.com/CharlieShipp (Charlie & Lynnette—ShippAhoy)
http://www.MyTrivani.com/TreasureShipp (David & Jaimee— under construction)

Join StarShipp, Smooth-Sailing Shipp, Shipp Ahoy, and Treasure Shipp as a new Trivani Captain!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day is for Remembering

Well, it's Memorial Day 2009.

What do we remember today? Our fallen Heroes, who gave their lives for Liberty—our liberty and freedom. So, today we can say a prayer that they and their families will be blessed for their sacrifice; and for our country that it may maintain the principles of Freedom and good Government; and for ourselves and our families, that we may do our part in upholding the Laws of the Land, and Voting for good men and women of sound character and moral standing who will represent us in the quest for limited government, laws that protect life, laws that are fair and foster economic growth and individual independence from government, and all the other facets of true freedom and prosperity.

And we can also remember those less fortunate than ourselves. We can remember the Children who need our help. We can get involved. We can work to make a difference. We can Sponsor a Child and help others to do the same. It takes work, it takes commitment, it takes persistence and courage. But that we can do. We can be Heroes too! Great things can be accomplished with our effort: “. . . out of small things proceedeth that which is great!”

So Memorial Day is for Remembering—the past, the present, and the future. We remember the past to learn from it and give honor where it is due; we remember the present and the blessings we enjoy; we remember the future and the opportunities it represents.

Then we do our part. Trivani can be a significant part of that effort.

God bless us all this Memorial Day.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Trivani Humanitarian Summit (SLC, Oct 9-10, 2009)

This was announced on Bob's Trivani Blog this Friday. You can tell Trivani is expanding rapidly. The time to get involved and rolling is now — and mark your calendar for the Trivani Humanitarian Summit this fall. (Salt Lake City on Oct 9th and 10th.)

Here is an extract from Bob's post (see http://www.humanitarianblog.com/
for Friday, 17 April 2009).

The Trivani Humanitarian Summit
The Trivani Humanitarian Summit is coming this fall, and it is shaping up to be one of the greatest humanitarian summits ever on American soil.

The Trivani Foundation®, in conjunction with a handful of tremendous humanitarian partners, has put together a lineup of the finest humanitarians on earth, and we are pleased to welcome them to Utah.

The Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Mohammad Yunus, and a handful of additional Nobel Peace Prize recipients are scheduled to participate. It will be a remarkable event, and we are excited to warmly welcome these incredible humanitarians to Utah.

Well, that's quite a roster of dignitaries (with mystery guests not yet listed)! Of course, a lot is going to happen between now and then, including time for all of us to prepare to really have made significant advancements in our personal Trivani businesses. Let's all work for success—and then all meet for this great Summit!

Best Humanitarian Wishes,

Richard Shipp (StarShipp)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Health Benefits of Trivani Products

Trivani Products have been formulated to produce wonderful effects. From time to time we will post some of the testimonials of people using the products and experiencing the helpful results. Here is one (from Bob's Blog of April 10, 2009):
Thank you for this powerful opportunity. I am new to Trivani and just became a child sponsor. I would like to share with you a product testimonial. I have been suffering from acid reflux and have had major ulcers on my esophagus. I had been on a popular medication for acid reflux, and it had pretty much cleared up the ulcers, but the heartburn was still there, just not as bad. My health insurance company denied any further prescriptions for the medication and wanted me to try something less expensive. My physician then provided a thirty-day trial prescription for another medication, and it worked somewhat but was not very effective for heartburn.

After 30 days, I ran out of the medication and procrastinated on calling my doctor. As a result, my heartburn became severe. I told my wife that I was going to call the doctor the following day. Meanwhile, and just in the nick of time, my Trivani product order arrived. I immediately consumed Rakan and Suvan twice, per the directions on the bottles. The next day I awoke and, much to my surprise, I had no heartburn. Now keep in mind that this was severe, constant heartburn that gave me a burning sensation in my arm (the doctors checked this out and determined the sensation was from the heartburn and not my heart). Well, it's been about a week now and still no heartburn, and I believe I am done with medication (with my doctor’s approval, of course). In my opinion, it is the Suvan that is helping me so much—and probably the sea buckthorn berry oil in particular. I will use this product the rest of my life.

David C.

P.S. The product is much cheaper than a prescription
and does even more!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Trivani's Presence on Facebook

We know people by their faces. Of course, there are other things we distinguish: height, smiles, clothes, hair styles, voices, and so on. But everyone will know us best by our face. Facebook—really a great name for a social network.

We live in a computer age. It is shrinking our world dramatically. I get phone calls from India and other far away places quite regularly. My wife called her Vice Chair (of a political district) towards the end of last year by dialing his local cell phone here in Utah. He answered and they began a conversation about tasks that needed addressing. She asked if he could handle a local task, and he replied, “I would, but I’m in China!

So, the world grows smaller. A new technology now available as the capability to “reach out and touch someone” extends farther, is social networking. It is computer based, and runs out across the world-wide web. It is a way for people to come together and share. Besides sharing lives, it is a way to share opportunities—it is a way to share Trivani!

Paul Jensen, the “IT Guy” of Trivani, has put together a Facebook application that allows you to include the Trivani opportunity in your Facebook account. Here is the official announcement:

Today is the official launch of the Trivani Child Guardian Facebook Application—a free feature that allows you to spread your Child Guardian experience throughout your Facebook account.

Here are 5 reasons to get this application today:

  • Share your Trivani Child Guardian experience with friends and family
  • Include a photo of your sponsored child on each Facebook message you send
  • Spread the word about your Trivani business
  • Drive new prospects to your Trivani Business website
  • Encourage new prospects to join Trivani’s cause and become a Child Guardian in your organization

Not signed up for Facebook yet? Do it today! This social network can be a great way to meet new people and spread the word about your Trivani business. Click here to get your free Facebook account. Then sign up for the new Trivani Child Guardian Application while you’re at it.

So, that’s it. A new way to share Trivani! A skilled network Humanitarian will learn and use multiple tools to help with their business. Trying new skills and practicing using new tools will help them become second nature. Enjoy using this new networking tool!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Trivani's “Do No Harm” Products

To understand the superior nature of Trivani products requires a little education. Trivani’s Chief Scientist, Dan Miser, takes questions on Trivani products via email, and then posts answers on the Trivani web site (http://www.Trivani.com/ under the “Health” menu). Here is a sample question and answer on harmful ingredients often present in personal care products, contrasted with Trivani products made without them!



Can you please explain why parabens and phthalates can be so bad for the body and children in particular, and how Trivani products lead the way in the industry without these potentially harmful substances?

Answer #1: Parabens

Parabens commonly used in personal care products as preservatives are weak environmental estrogens. They can also support the growth of estrogen-dependent breast cancer cells grown in tissue culture (Byford et al., J. Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 80(1):49-60, 2002; Gomez et al., J. of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 68:239-251, 2005).

Both in vitro and in vivo studies conclusively establish that parabens are able to penetrate human skin intact and have also been isolated from human breast cancer tissue.

Parabens have also been identified as being endocrine disrupting substances (EDS). While animal studies reveal EDS to adversely affect male reproductive systems, it is adolescent females that are most at risk. Young women are exposed to parabens more frequently than males due to their higher rate of use of cosmetic products. Health risks to adolescents using products containing EDS is many times higher than for adults because young people’s biologies are under constant change and are more susceptible to the adverse effects of EDS.

Answer #2: Phthalates

Phthalates are used to make plastics flexible and sometimes used to stabilize fragrances. People come into contact with phthalates every day. Look at the bottom of your water bottle. If it has the letters PET or PETE or PETG then you’re holding plastic containing phthalates. PET is an acronym for Polyethylene Terephthalate. Many fingernail products contain phthalates, as well as many packages containing products that we either ingest or apply to our bodies.

The problem with phthalates is similar to parabens with the exception that males are more affected with issues such as low sperm count, testicular cancer, and genital deformities.

Fortunately, there is no reason today why parabens or phthalates need be used in our consumable products. Preservatives are a necessary safety feature for topical products meant to be used over a lengthy period of time, but there are many effective alternatives available today. They are a little more expensive, but the added cost is worth the safety.
Word of Caution: even though parabens may not appear on a product’s ingredient listing, they may still be in the product. Many ingredients used to make creams, lotions, gels, etc. use parabens as preservatives, but because they are a part of the ingredient they are, under U.S. FDA definitions, considered processing aids and are not required to be listed in the ingredient panel. Many countries follow this rule.

Regarding phthalates, Trivani avoids these by using HDPE (high density polyethylene) and LDPE (low density polyethylene) for its topical products and glass for liquid supplements.


Please Note: All Trivani trademarks and copyrighted materials (including photos, text, etc.) that appear on this blog are used with permission and are © Trivani International, Inc. All rights reserved.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Let Bob Help You Do Trivani

We encourage all of our fellow Trivani Humanitarians to spend two minutes every business day to read "Bob's Blog" at http://www.HumanitarianBlog.com/ for inspiration and the latest and greatest that is happening and coming in Trivani. Bob Steed is our leader. He leads gloriously. If you feel you need help with Trivani, start with help from Bob! Let him help you. He does so directly through his blog. It is for me and it is for you. The help he offers through his blog is personal, direct, and real. Please take advantage of it daily!

Here is an example (used by permission) of yesterday's blog (19 Mar 2009). Believe in Trivani, and believe in yourself.


If You Believe, It Will Be So

I have always believed that after all is said and done, there is always a lot more said than done. Talk is not cheap, but it can be very inexpensive. We pay for everything that comes out of our mouths because words mean things.

If you believe our business has unlimited potential, you will act as if it is so. If you believe there are limitless opportunities to engage prospects, it will be so. If you believe that you can play a significant role in ending world hunger, it will be so. If you believe you can reach out to three potential Humanitarians a day, it will be so.

I'm a big fan of the power of words and thought. I'm a bigger fan of ideas and action. I'm one of those people who believe that inspiration comes from a higher source and it comes more often to those who act when it strikes and less to those who ignore it.

I'm one of those people who believe in luck, and I believe it is the manifestation of a lot of factors well within our control. I believe that problems are the solution because they move us beyond the comfortable.

I believe in doing good as often as possible, because it is a lot easier to win when others want to see you win than it is when others want to see you lose. This is putting karma on display and powering it to work with us instead of against us.

I believe in rooting for everyone, even those we may have reason to boo, because when we do, we can never, ever lose.

I believe kindness is the solution to every social disconnect we encounter. Overwhelming everyone, even those who despise us, with acts of kindness is extremely disarming.

And I am a big believer that if you want to foster love in any relationship, all you have to do is unconditionally serve. It is impossible to give and receive service without fostering love.

I believe that a generation of people, children, the young and old will come to believe in the goodness of humanity because they were the beneficiary of your benevolence. People they do not even know expressing compassion? This drives people to want to give to others just as they have received.

This is an enterprise with big ambitions. We believe we can solve many of the world’s greatest social and physical challenges. Where bullets and bloodshed fall far short, compassion can rule the day.

Words, thoughts, and actions count. All of them.

Bob Steed, CEO of Trivani

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Your Network Marketing Check

(Click on the check to get a larger image—
then click your Back button to return.)

The old network marketing (NM) companies got people to join, (with a lot of hype!), and as they worked, most of the money they generated went "up the ladder" to other distributors and to corporate profits. They did a lot of work and at the end of the month received very little money. Most of them eventually quit, and the process started over. These NM companies relied heavily on new "recruits" to stay in business.

In a sense, this is true of all businesses: those at the bottom level of a company earn the least. On the other hand, the compensation plans of network marketing companies vary widely in their payout to their distributors, especially those starting out.

Trivani is unique! The Trivani Founders decided that they had already made their gazillions of dollars, and wanted to set up a business model that (1) highly funded humanitarian aid, and (2) really paid their humanitarian distributors well, so they would be very successful financially—even becoming financially independent so they could carry on even more humanitarian service (as well as having more time with their families).
To accomplish this, Trivani looked over the NM industry and decided that instead of taking the typical 10-15% of revenue (or higher) for company profits, Trivani would only take 1-2%. That is truly astonishing! It is a profound and unheard of business decision and policy in the network marketing world.

This decision had a major impact on the Trivani business model. It "flipped" the typical compensation plan on its head, so that the Trivani plan pays the distributors at the bottom well. It pushes money "down the ladder" to help them succeed from the start. Of course, it takes work by the distributor, but that work is rewarded! I doubt there is a network marketing compensation plan that can match Trivani's “Tri-InfinitePower Plan”—it is truly a path to prosperity for its humanitarian distributors. Can you find another plan in the industry that pays a maximum of 63% plus car and travel bonuses?

So, in contrast to Trivani, shown above is a real live distributor check from an "old style" network marketing company. This is a real check! The company name, bank account, etc., have been changed to prevent "embarrassment" to the company. As you study this check, don't miss seeing the amount that was paid to the distributor for the month, after the company subtracted processing costs, check costs, etc. costs, etc. Do you believe it? (Don't laugh too hard—if this was your check, it wouldn't be funny.)

Receiving a NM check like this one was why I nearly cried and began looking for another marketing "engine" to fund our family financially. In looking over Trivani as that possible engine, the first thing I checked was their compensation plan. (It was the best comp plan I had ever seen. I eventually learned why.)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Sharing Trivani with Video Clips

Bob Hawkins of our Trivani Shipp Fleet upline has written the following to help us reach out to the 1,000 potential humanitarian leads each attendee received at Trivani Tech. The links he includes can be used by any Trivani distributor in sharing the Trivani opportunity.


Dear fellow Trivani Humanitarians,

Since the Trivani Tech event in Febuary, we have been sharing an email campaign with those on our 1,000 leads list. We were very inpressed with the 3 minute "Pupose", "Health", and "Prosperity" video clips that were included on our Trivani Tech flash drives. They quickly became our favorites to send to prospects.

However, we ran into a slight problem. They weren't included on the Trivani Video site, and to send them as attachments with an email made the message too big for Yahoo, Hotmail, MSN, and other mailboxes.

Two days ago, Trivani sent us an email that talked about those videos and provided links to them on Trivani.com with instructions on how to select and paste the URL for either of the videos (or more than one!) into our emails.

That was exactly what we were looking for. We are passing the video links to you for your convenience so you don't have to "fish" for them at Trivani.com.

We recommend copying these links and pasting them into a word processing file, (i.e., Microsoft Word, WordPad, NotePad, etc), where you keep your cut and paste messages, so you can access them readily for your emails.

Here are the links:




We hope this helps in your electronic prospecting.

Warmest Regards —

Bob and Betty Hawkins
(your upline)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Trivani Tech!

On February 6-7, 2009, Trivani held its first “Trivani Tech” training at the Provo, Utah, Marriott Hotel. What an event! The focus was to train the attending humanitarians with Trivani's high-tech tools to turn our computers into Monster Money Machines. Here are some of our photos of the event. Later, we will describe some of the training, and provide explanations on the tools we were taught and practiced using. Tune in for important information on how you can use your computer as a Trivani Portal to the World, and build an international business downline.

(Click a photo to enlarge it; then click your
"Back" button to return to the post.)

www.Trivani.com features the Shipp Fleet at Trivani Tech

Kim Boswell welcomes Charlie and Norman Shipp

(F) Richard, Charlie, Larry Browning
(B) Kim, Norman, Vickee Barker, Betty and Bob Hawkins

Kelsey Thompson and "Smooth Sailing Shipp"

President Bob Steed gives a presentation

Trivani humanitarian Gordon Oswald
shares his Napkin Presentation

Getting our systems up and running

Norman meets Laura Vukich, Shane McClellan and his wife

Norman and Richard meet with Bryan Thayne,
presenter of "The One Minute Networker"

Bob explains his "Three-Legged Stool" parable

Our Trivani Leader

Bob explains a point

Bob points to exponential growth

Kim and Amy Boswell speak about how to succeed

Kherna, Bob, Charlie, and Richard at Awards Dinner

Charlie and Bob share comments

Monday, March 2, 2009

Welcome to "Smooth Sailing Shipp™"

We are pleased to welcome Norman Shipp as the newest member of the Trivani Shipp Fleet as a contributor. We anticipate many instructive posts from all the Fleet, so we will now begin to add posts to the blog that will helpful to all our downline humanitarians. Come visit often!
I think that "diving" for treasure is good to do DAILY!
Remember, "If you don't look, you won't find anything!"

Monday, February 23, 2009

Trivani Shipp Fleet Blog

This is the beginning of the
Trivani Shipp Fleet blog!

We are Independent Humanitarians™ for Trivani International, which is the "engine" that funds humanitarian aid around the world. We invite you to enjoy this blog, and join our efforts to provide humanitarian service including sponsor children in need—providing all their nutritional, health and medical, and educational needs!

Through the sale of its high quality products by humanitarian distributors, Trivani International provides the funding to the Trivani Foundation that does the humanitarian service, (as well as partnering with other select humanitarian agencies). This blog will tell you more about the humanitarian projects Trivani has and is participating in around the globe, as well as the “Do No Harm” personal care and health products it offers. This is an exciting endeavor, and simply by "switching stores" and using Trivani products, you can join us in doing humanitarian aid. Think of it—use Trivani's Nourishing Shampoo™ or Nourishing Conditioner™ in the shower and you are doing humanitarian aid!

Trivani International's Grand Launch was October 2008, so it is a perfect time to become an Independent Humanitarian for this ground-level network marketing company.

Let us introduce you to the Trivani Shipp Fleet:

Richard and Kherna Shipp
— StarShipp Enterprises™

Norman and Angela Shipp
— Smooth Sailing Shipp™

Charlie and Lynnette Shipp
— Shipp Ahoy™

We are the current Shipps of the Trivani Shipp Fleet! We are excited to share our experiences in Trivani with you, and invite you to sail with the Shipp Fleet as we help others come into the Trivani Harbor of Humanitarian Aid!


Independent Humanitarians™ is a trademark of StarShipp Enterprises (2008). Smooth Sailing Shipp™ is a trademark of Norman P. Shipp (2008). Shipp Ahoy™ is a trademark of Charles E. Shipp (Feb 2009).